How to Get Rid of My AI on Snapchat

Farewell, My AI: A Comprehensive Guide to Removing Snapchat’s AI Assistant on Any Device

Snapchat’s AI assistant, currently called “My AI,” can be a fun novelty at first, offering suggestions and surfacing content. But for many users, the novelty fades, and My AI becomes an unwanted guest in their chat list. This guide will equip you with all the methods to remove My AI from your Snapchat experience, applicable to both Android and iPhone devices, regardless of whether you have Snapchat Plus or not.

Understanding My AI:

  • Availability: My AI is currently available only in certain regions and languages.
  • Functionality: My AI suggests replies, stories, games, and even filters based on your past conversations and activity within Snapchat.

Why Remove My AI?

Here are some common reasons users want to get rid of My AI:

  • Unwanted Chat Presence: My AI occupies a permanent spot in your chat list, even if you don’t interact with it.
  • Irrelevant Suggestions: My AI suggestions might not always be relevant to your interests or conversations.
  • Privacy Concerns: Some users might have reservations about the data My AI collects based on their interactions.

Here’s How to Remove My AI on Snapchat:

For Users with Snapchat Plus (Android & iPhone):

The good news is that Snapchat Plus subscribers have the most straightforward method to remove My AI:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and ensure you’re logged in to your account.
  2. Swipe right on the screen to access the chat interface.
  3. Locate “My AI” in your chat list.
  4. Tap and hold on the “My AI” chat icon.
  5. A menu will appear. Select “Chat Settings”.
  6. Within Chat Settings, you’ll see two options: “Clear from Chat Feed” and “Unpin”.
    • “Clear from Chat Feed” will completely remove My AI from your chat list.
    • “Unpin” (available on some versions) will keep My AI in your chat list but move it lower down, making it less prominent.

For Users Without Snapchat Plus (Android & iPhone):

Unfortunately, users without Snapchat Plus cannot entirely remove My AI from their chat list. However, there’s a workaround to effectively hide it:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and ensure you’re logged in to your account.
  2. Swipe right on the screen to access the chat interface.
  3. Locate “My AI” in your chat list.
  4. Tap and hold on the “My AI” chat icon.
  5. A menu will appear. Select “Chat Settings”.
  6. Within Chat Settings, select “Clear from Chat Feed”. This will remove My AI conversations from your chat history, essentially hiding it from your view.

Additional Considerations:

  • Data Clearing (Optional): While removing My AI from your chat feed or list doesn’t necessarily erase the data it has collected, you can take additional steps to clear your Snapchat data if you have privacy concerns. Go to Settings > Privacy > Clear Data and choose the data range you want to clear.
  • Future Updates: Snapchat might introduce new features or functionalities related to My AI in the future. Keep an eye on app updates and settings to see if additional control options become available.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove My AI from your Snapchat experience, whether you’re a Snapchat Plus subscriber or not. Remember, removing My AI from your chat feed or list doesn’t necessarily delete the data it has collected, so consider additional data clearing measures if privacy is a major concern.

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